Siskiyou County Library

Access Our Catalog
Browse the catalog for Siskiyou County Library's collection, access your account, place holds, and find online resources.
About Our Library
The Siskiyou County Library has 12 branches across the county.
We offer a range of services accessible with your free library card:
- Physical and digital books, DVDs, Audiobooks, Magazines and Newspapers
- Streaming videos
- Online comics
- Public computers and Wi-Fi access (and paid printing/photocopying)
- Online legal databases
- Microfilm archives of local papers (in Yreka and Butte Valley only)
To get yours, fill out this form and we will send your card to you in the mail.
How much can I check out?
Each person can check out
- 5 Audiobooks
- 10 DVDs
- 10 Magazines
- 20 Books
up to a maximum of 20 total items at one time with their library card.
How long can I check it out for?
Books and Audiobooks can be checked out for 3 weeks.
- If there is no one requesting the item, it will renew automatically for another 3 weeks.
DVDs and Magazines can be checked out for 1 week.
- If there is no one requesting the item, it will renew automatically one time for another 1 week.