Planning Commission - Bennett Timberland Zone Change (Z-24-03)

The project is a proposed zone change for approximately 640 acres from Non-Prime Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (AG-2-B-40) and Rural Residential Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (R-R-B-40) to Timber Production (TPZ) in order to better align with the current use of the property as forest management for growing and harvesting timber. The project site is located Mill Creek Road, south and west of the city of Yreka on APNs 014-500-040 and 014-200-050; Township 44 North, Range 8 West, Section 1, MDB&MThe project is a proposed zone change for approximately 640 acres from Non-Prime Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (AG-2-B-40) and Rural Residential Agricultural, 40-acre minimum parcel size (R-R-B-40) to Timber Production (TPZ) in order to better align with the current use of the property as forest management for growing and harvesting timber. The project site is located Mill Creek Road, south and west of the city of Yreka on APNs 014-500-040 and 014-200-050; Township 44 North, Range 8 West, Section 1, MDB&M.