Planning Commission - Pine Place Road Exception Request (SP-24-04)

The project is located along the entire length of Pine Place Road (approximately 1,176 feet) in the Indian Creek Subdivision, north of the unincorporated community of Happy Camp; Township 17N, Range 7E, §22, HB&M; 41.8449°, -123.3853°. An exception request to the 50-foot centerline setback was previously heard and approved by the Planning Commission on November 20, 2024. Subsequent to that public hearing, it was determined that an exception to the building setback line that is twenty (20’) feet distant and parallel to the property lines facing Pine Place Road should be considered as well, which is the subject of this public hearing. However, approval of this proposed exception request does not affect a 25-foot building setback line shown on the subdivision map that created the Indian Creek Subdivision (Town Map Book 3, Pages 1 and 1-A).